Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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109 lines
#define SMTPTRACE 1 /* enable tracing for smtp */
#define MAXSESSIONS 10 /* most connections allowed */
#define JOBNAME 13 /* max size of a job name with null */
#define LINELEN 128
#define SLINELEN 32
#define MBOXLEN 8 /* max size of a mail box name */
/* types of address used by smtp in an address list */
#define BADADDR 0
#define LOCAL 1
#define DOMAIN 2
/* a list entry */
struct list {
struct list *next;
char *val;
char type;
/* Per-session control block used by smtp server */
struct mail {
struct tcb *tcb; /* TCP control block pointer */
char state;
#define DATA_STATE 1
char *system; /* Name of remote system */
char *from; /* sender address */
struct list *to; /* Linked list of recipients */
char buf[LINELEN]; /* Input buffer */
char cnt; /* Length of input buffer */
FILE *data; /* Temporary input file pointer */
/* used by smtpcli as a queue entry for a single message */
struct smtp_job {
struct smtp_job *next; /* pointer to next mail job for this system */
char jobname[9]; /* the prefix of the job file name */
char *from; /* address of sender */
struct list *to; /* Linked list of recipients */
/* control structure used by an smtp client session */
struct smtp_cb {
struct tcb *tcb; /* tcp task control buffer */
int32 ipdest; /* address of forwarding system */
char state; /* state machine placeholder */
#define CLI_INIT_STATE 0
#define CLI_OPEN_STATE 1
#define CLI_HELO_STATE 2
#define CLI_MAIL_STATE 3
#define CLI_RCPT_STATE 4
#define CLI_SEND_STATE 5
#define CLI_UNLK_STATE 6
#define CLI_QUIT_STATE 7
#define CLI_IDLE_STATE 8
char *wname; /* name of workfile */
char *tname; /* name of data file */
char buf[LINELEN]; /* Input buffer */
char cnt; /* Length of input buffer */
FILE *tfile;
struct smtp_job *jobq;
char goodrcpt; /* are any of the rcpt ok */
char cts; /* clear to send state indication */
int rcpts; /* number of unacked rcpt commands */
struct list *errlog;
/* smpt server routing mode */
#define QUEUE 1
#define NULLLIST (struct list *)0
#define NULLMAIL (struct mail *)0
#define NULLCB (struct smtp_cb *)0
#define NULLJOB (struct smtp_job *)0
extern char mailspool[];
extern char mailqdir[]; /* Outgoing spool directory */
extern char routeqdir[]; /* spool directory for a router program */
extern char mailqueue[]; /* Prototype of work file */
extern char hostname[];
extern char alias[];
extern int16 smtpmode;
/* In SMTPCLI */
int dosmtp(int, char **);
int smtptick(void);
void smtp_transaction(struct smtp_cb *);
int mlock(char *, char *);
int rmlock(char *, char *);
void del_job(struct smtp_job *);
void del_list(struct list *);
struct smtp_job *setupjob(struct smtp_cb *, char *, char *);
int32 mailroute(char *);
int smtp1(int, char **);
int smtp0(void);
int mailit(struct tcb *, FILE *, char *, struct list *);
char *ptime(time_t *);
long get_msgid(void);
int validate_address(char *);
int queuejob(struct tcb *, FILE *, char *, char *, char *);
int router_queue(struct tcb *, FILE *, char *, struct list *);
struct list *addlist(struct list **, char *, int);
struct list *expandalias(struct list **, char *);